affordable assistive technology

The MiracleFeet Brace

Expanding access to critical assistive technology.

A brace worn primarily at night for up to 5 years is a critical part of clubfoot treatment. Poor compliance can lead to relapses. Clubfoot braces are among 26 assistive products World Health Organization guidelines say health systems need for inclusive services.

Scalable Manufacturing
Child Friendly
Our partners

Designed and produced with world-leading partners:

Active MiracleFeet Partner Countries
Other Countries that have Received Braces
map An interactive map highlighting the countries where the MiracleFeet brace is currently used.

Clubfoot treatment providers in 36 countries use the MiracleFeet brace

We’re reaching children everywhere: The MiracleFeet brace is currently used in 36 countries

111,696 Pairs of Shoes
67,360 Bars
36 Countries

Most braces cost $350 to $1,000. The award-winning MiracleFeet brace costs a fraction of that and performs as well or better.